Know, Like, and Trust

This has been my business mantra - or more accurately, my business relationship funnel - since early in my career. I try to meet as many people as I can because absolutely nothing can happen without at least knowing people. After spending time with people, I find I naturally gravitate toward some more than others. No need to force things. And some seem to naturally gravitate toward me. Over more time, likely over some beers, wine, a game, or a bike ride, and some sharing of vulnerabilities (credit Pat Lencioni of Five Dysfunctions of a Team for emphasizing the importance of vulnerability in building trust), certain of those people become trusted. And then sparks happen, deals get done, value is created, money is made, and great fun is had. And then, because success begets success, it keeps happening.

This is the advice I give to all the "young folks" in business I meet: get up every day and move toward knowing more people, liking more people, and trusting more people. And success will abound.


Even if You Never Want to Sell, You Need to Do This