Best Investment a CEO Can Make

Our team building program continues to grow dramatically in popularity.  Once CEOs understand the different between culture building (e.g., all the fun stuff, like ropes courses, softball games, which generally doesn't contribute much to actual team building) and team building (e.g., meaningful, purposeful efforts to build trust among company leaders, that then leads to dramatically enhanced accountability and results), they see that an investment in team building is very likely the best investment they can make in terms of ROI.  

Individuals in a highly functioning team trust each other.  When they trust each other, they don’t hold back in their opinions, which means a highly transparent, inclusive, very honest discussion of issues, opportunities, and solutions occurs.  And then, given that everyone feels heard, members commit to a direction, even if it’s not the direction any given individual would have supported.  Once they’ve committed, then they hold each other accountable, and strong accountability leads to results.  

Simply put, a team that is rowing in sync, trusting each other, working together, expending effort in the same direction, toward the same goals, can do ANYTHING it wants.  See more about Traversi & Company’s Executive Team Building at


Stock vs. Asset Sale in an M&A Transaction


The Best C-Level Executives Do This